SharkBot Android Trojan Steals Cryptocurrency and Hacks Bank Accounts

Cleafy and ThreatFabric have discovered a new Android Trojan SharkBot that uses the Accessibility service to steal credentials from banking and cryptocurrency applications in Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Samkvæmt sérfræðingum, the malware has been spreading since October 2021. The malware has not been seen in the official Google Play Store yet; instead, its operators seem to trick users into downloading and manually installing the application on their devices (side-loading). Til dæmis, it is known that SharkBot can disguise itself as a media player, streaming application, or data recovery applications.

Media Apps

After installing an application infected with SharkBot, the malware asks the user to grant it access to the Accessibility service. The malware uses the obtained rights to simulate screen touches and perform various malicious tasks, þar á meðal: granting itself administrator rights, displaying fake login screens, keylogging, intercepting and hiding two-factor authentication SMS messages, as well as accessing banking and cryptocurrency applications for the purpose of transferring funds.

SharkBot is currently targeting 22 banking applications that are used in Italy and the UK, as well as five cryptocurrency related applications. At the same time, cybersecurity experts write that the malware is still in the early stages of development.


SharkBot’s primary goal is to initiate money transfers from compromised devices using Automatic Transfer Systems (ATS), bypassing multi-factor authentication mechanisms (such as SCA),” the report says. “After successfully installing SharkBot on a victim’s device, attackers can obtain confidential banking information by abusing the Accessibility service, including credentials, personal information, current balance, og svo framvegis.

Bank App

Samkvæmt sérfræðingum, the use of Automatic Transfer Systems is consistent with the general trend that can be traced in the work of other banking Trojans for Android, including the Alien, EventBot, Medusa, Gustuff, Anatsa og FluBot spilliforrit.

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Helga Smith

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