研究人员发现了针对 Windows Server 容器和 Kubernetes 集群的 Siloscape 恶意软件

Researchers at Palo Alto Networks 发现了 a highly obfuscated Siloscape malware that breaks into Windows Server containers in order to compromise Kubernetes clusters. The ultimate goal of attackers is to deploy a backdoor that can be used for other malicious activities.

Experts write that for the first time such attacks were noticed in early March, but they have been going on for at least a year. The attackers behind this campaign scan the network for common cloud applications and then use exploits against them for various old vulnerabilities.

If a web application is running inside a Windows Server container, attackers use the Siloscape malware, which exploits the previously documented escape container method to gain access to the underlying OS.

If the OS is running as a Kubernetes node, hackers also extract the node’s credentials and then use them to navigate to the Kubernetes back-end infrastructure and deploy new nodes with malicious features.

Hacking an entire cluster is much more serious than compromising a single container, since a cluster can run multiple cloud applications, whereas a single container typically runs one cloud application. 例如, an attacker could steal sensitive information such as usernames and passwords, confidential and internal organization files, or even entire databases hosted on a cluster.from Palo Alto Networks specialists say

Siloscape also downloads and installs a Tor client on the infected system to communicate with its C&C server and receive commands from its operators via IRC.

研究人员发现了 Siloscape 恶意软件

Palo Alto Networks company specialists report that they was able to gain access to this server, and currently attackers have infected more than 300 系统. 同时, the ultimate goal of the hackers is not completely clear.

“Unlike other malware targeting containers and mainly targeting cryptojacking, Siloscape doesn’t actually do anything to damage the cluster itself. 代替, it focuses on ensuring that it cannot be detected and tracked, and opens a backdoor into the cluster,”专家说.

It is speculated that attackers could lease to other criminals access to some of the larger compromised companies, including the ransomware operators.

据研究人员称, companies should start moving applications from Windows containers to Microsoft Hyper-V as soon as possible, as Microsoft itself recommends using Microsoft Hyper-V instead of the old and less secure container mechanism.

Siloscape shows the importance of container security, as the malware wouldn’t be able to cause any significant damage if not for the container escape. It is critical that organizations keep a well-configured and secured cloud environment to protect against such threats.

让我提醒你,我也谈到了这样一个事实 XCSSET 恶意软件在 macOS 中使用 0-day 攻击.


我一直对计算机科学感兴趣, 特别是数据安全和主题, 现在被称为 "数据科学", 从我十几岁起. 在加入病毒清除团队担任主编之前, 我曾在多家公司担任网络安全专家, 包括亚马逊的一名承包商. 另一种体验: 我在雅顿大学和雷丁大学任教.


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