Facestealer rosszindulatú program fertőzött több mint 200 Alkalmazások a Google Playen

Trend Micro analysts have noticed that the Facestealer malware continues to infiltrate the Google Play Store. Például, more than 200 variants of malware were recently discovered in the official app store. Currently, the malware has already been removed from the Google Play Store.

Recall that Facestealer was first detected back in 2021, and in March of this year, information security specialists from Pradeo found infected applications in the Google Play Store that were installed more than 100,000 alkalommal.

Hadd emlékeztesselek, mi is ezt írtuk SharkBot Trojan Again Infiltrates the Google Play Store.

As the name implies, Facestealer is designed to steal logins and passwords from Facebook accounts, which are then used by attackers for phishing, publishing fakes, and as advertising bots.

Mint Trend Micro now reports, some of the apps they found have been installed over 100,000 alkalommal.

The report notes that Facestealer-infected apps often look like photo editing, processing, or sharing tools, but can also take other forms. Például, researchers talk about Daily Fitness OL, which is advertised as a fitness app with exercises and video tutorials.

One of the apps we found, named Daily Fitness OL, claims to be a fitness app, complete with exercises and video demonstrations. But like the initial variant, it was designed to steal the Facebook credentials of its users.Trend Micro specialists write.

Facestealer a Google Play Áruházban

This fake fitness app prompts users to log in to Facebook through the built-in browser, and then a JavaScript code isinjected into the loaded page to steal the credentials entered by the user.

After the user successfully logs in to an account, the app collects the cookie. The spyware then encrypts all the personally identifiable information (PII) and sends it to the remote server. The encryption key and address of the remote server are all taken from the downloaded configuration.researchers report.
Other apps infected by Facestealer found by Trend Micro are: Enjoy Photo Editor, Panorama Camera, Photo Gaming Puzzle, Swarm Photo, és Business Meta Manager.

Helga Smith

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