GoodWill עקסטאָרטיאָניסט פאָרסעס וויקטימס צו גוט מעשים

CloudSek specialists talked about a strange GoodWill ransomware that does not demand money from the victims, but forces them do good deeds in exchange for decrypting files.

פֿאַר בייַשפּיל, ransomware operators are told to distribute clothes to the homeless or pay medical bills to those who need urgent medical care but cannot afford it.

Let me remind you that we wrote about The Appearance of Cheap DarkCrystal RAT Malware Worried Experts, and also that Microsoft Warns of Increased XorDdos Malware Activity.

לויט די ריסערטשערז, GoodWill is predominantly distributed in India and, apparently, was created in the same country. It is likely that the ransomware is someone’s experiment, since so far, the experts have not been able to detect a single GoodWill victim.

This malware was first noticed in March 2022. It is known that GoodWill is written in .NET and seems to be built on the basis of the open-source malware HiddenTear. After infecting the system, it sits idle for 722.45 seconds to confuse dynamic analysis and also uses the AES_Encrypt function to encrypt using AES.

After infection, GoodWill encrypts all documents, photos, videos, דאַטאַבייסיז, and other important files and leaves a note asking victims to do three good deeds to get the key to decrypt the data. אַזוי, malware operators require:

  1. donate new clothes to the homeless, record it on video and post it on social networks;
  2. take at least five children from disadvantaged families to Dominos, Pizza Hut אָדער KFC and feed them, take photos and videos of the process and post them on social networks;
  3. provide financial assistance to those who need urgent medical care but cannot afford it, record the entire conversation and share the audio recording with GoodWill operators.

גודוויל ראַנסאָמוואַרע
גודוויל ראַנסאָמוואַרע
גודוויל ראַנסאָמוואַרע

After completing all these actions, the victim should also write another post on social networks, talking about “turning into a kind person after becoming a victim of the GoodWill ransomware.”

Apparently, after that, the ransomware operators check all media files and messages sent by the victim on social networks, and if the conditions are met, they provide a data decryption kit, which includes the decryptor itself, a file with passwords and a video tutorial on how to recover all important data.

העלגאַ סמיט

איך בין שטענדיק אינטערעסירט אין קאָמפּיוטער וויסנשאַפֿט, ספּעציעל דאַטן זיכערהייט און די טעמע, וואס הייסט היינט-צו-טאג "דאַטן וויסנשאַפֿט", זינט מיין פרי טינז. איידער איר קומען אין די ווירוס באַזייַטיקונג מאַנשאַפֿט ווי רעדאַקטאָר-אין-ראשי, איך געארבעט ווי אַ סייבערסעקוריטי מומחה אין עטלעכע קאָמפּאַניעס, אַרייַנגערעכנט איינער פון אַמאַזאָן ס קאָנטראַקטאָרס. אן אנדער דערפאַרונג: איך האָבן געלערנט אין Arden און רידינג אוניווערסיטעטן.

לאָזן אַ ענטפער

דער פּלאַץ ניצט Akismet צו רעדוצירן ספּאַם. לערנען ווי דיין באַמערקונג דאַטן זענען פּראַסעסט.

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