ZingoStealer malware is distributed among criminals for free

Cisco Talos experts have discovered the ZingoStealer malware, which is distributed for free by the Haskers Gang hacker group.

The malware is able to steal confidential information and upload additional malware to infected systems. Na primer, it can be RedLine Stealer and XMRig-based cryptocurrency mining malware called ZingoMiner.

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Haskers Gang has been active since at least January 2020, while ZingoStealer came out around the last month, according to analysts.

The communities in which the malware is distributed consist of thousands of participants and demonstrate that financial crimes in cybercrime are becoming more and more attractive to many people around the world. The main members of the criminal group Haskers Gang are likely to be in Eastern Europe, and many announcements and other messages are written in Russian.

Experts say the malware is constantly evolving and is mainly aimed at Russian-speaking victims.

While this stealer is freely available and can be used by multiple threat actors, we have observed a focus on infecting Russian speaking victims under the guise of game cheats, key generators and pirated software, which likely indicates a current focus on home users.Cisco Talos researchers note.

Na primer, attackers post videos on YouTube advertising such tools, and add links to files hosted on Google Drive or Mega, which contain the ZingoStealer payload, in the description.

ZingoStealer malware for free

Cisco Talos also says that malware executables have been spotted on the Discord CDN, raising the possibility that the malware is spreading to game-related Discord servers as well.

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In addition to collecting sensitive information such as credentials, cryptocurrency wallet information, and mining on victim systems, ZingoStealer is known to use Telegram to extract data and distribute updates. Poleg tega, customers can pay about $3 to use the ExoCrypt cryptor, which allows bypassing anti-virus protection.

ZingoStealer malware for free

Ob istem času, the report emphasizes that last week the Haskers Gang even announced that it was transferring ownership of ZingoStealer to another attacker, and also offered to sell the source code for a negotiated price of approximately $500.

Helga Smith

Vedno me je zanimalo računalništvo, zlasti varnost podatkov in tema, ki se dandanes imenuje "znanost o podatkih", že od zgodnjih najstniških let. Pred prihodom v ekipo za odstranjevanje virusov kot glavni urednik, Delal sem kot strokovnjak za kibernetsko varnost v več podjetjih, vključno z enim od Amazonovih izvajalcev. Še ena izkušnja: Poučujem na univerzah Arden in Reading.

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