Ladrão de senhas RedLine Stealer continua sua marcha triunfante ao redor do planeta

Bitdefender information security company specialist falou about the campaign discovered at the beginning of this year to distribute the RedLine Stealer password thief.

The vast majority of stolen credentials sold on two large underground darknet marketplaces are collected using the Ladrão RedLine malwares.Grupo Insight experts recently said.

This month alone, cybercriminals carried out 10,000 attacks in more than 150 countries and regions around the world, including the United States, Germany, Egypt, Malware Android Roaming Mantis tem como alvo usuários de Android e iPhone na Alemanha e França usando ataques de malware e phishing, and Canada. Contudo, the actual number of attacks may be higher, as the experts only took into account the number of notifications from Bitdefender’s security solutions.

A propósito, we also talked about this malware in the article: O malware RedLine Stealer é a principal fonte de credenciais em dois grandes mercados.

RedLine Stealer is a password stealing software that can be bought on hacker forums at a very low price. During the campaign detected by Bitdefender, malware is distributed using the RIG Exploit Kit through the CVE-2021-26411 vulnerability in Internet Explorer.

Judging by the number of countries attacked, the infostealer is not geared towards attacks on any particular country.

When executed on the attacked system, RedLine Stealer searches for usernames, as well as information about hardware, installed browsers and antivirus solutions, and extracts data such as passwords, saved bank card data, cryptocurrency wallets, credentials for VPN services, etc.

When executed, RedLine Stealer performs recon against the target system (including username, hardware, browsers installed, anti-virus software) and then exfiltrates data (including passwords, saved credit cards, crypto wallets, VPN logins) to a remote command and control server.Bitdefender specialits say.

Ladrão de senhas RedLine Stealer
Data stolen by RedLine Stealer

With RedLine Stealer, hackers can extract credentials from browsers, Clientes FTP, email apps, mensageiros instantâneos, and VPN services, and sell them on the dark web.

Dados corporativos roubados, como credenciais de usuário, regularmente acabam em sites colados e canais da dark web, permitindo que os cibercriminosos comprem os dados, e potencialmente usá-lo para obter acesso à rede ou sistemas de uma organização.the researchers say and advise users be stricter about data security.

Helga Smith

Sempre me interessei por ciências da computação, especialmente segurança de dados e o tema, que é chamado hoje em dia "ciência de dados", desde minha adolescência. Antes de entrar na equipe de remoção de vírus como editor-chefe, Trabalhei como especialista em segurança cibernética em várias empresas, incluindo um dos contratados da Amazon. Outra experiencia: Eu tenho é professor nas universidades Arden e Reading.

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