Serangan Botnet Fodcha Baru Lebih Dari 100 Korban Setiap Hari

Qihoo 360 (360 Netlab) experts report the discovery of a new Fodcha botnet that launches DDoS attacks on hundreds of victims every day. According to the company, the threat is growing rapidly and is replenished with new bots, including routers, DRVs and vulnerable servers.

From March 29 to April 10, itu Fodcha botnet included more than 62,000 devices. The number of unique IP addresses associated with the malware fluctuates, with experts monitoring around 10,000 Fodcha bots using Chinese IP addresses every day, with most of them using the services of China Unicom (59.9%) Dan China Telecom (39.4%).

New Fodcha botnet

Based on direct data that we received from the information security community, the number of live bots exceeds 56,000 daily. The dissemination looks pretty massive, with over 10,000 active bots (IPs) registered daily in China alone, as well as over 100 DDoS attack victims daily.the experts write.

Fodcha is known to infect new devices using exploits designed to use vulnerabilities in a number of devices, as well as the Crazyfia brute force tool. The list of devices and services that Fodcha attacks include:

  1. Android: Android ADB Debug Server RCE;
  2. GitLab: CVE-2021-22205;
  3. Realtek Jungle SDK: CVE-2021-35394;
  4. MVPower DVR: unauthenticated execution of shell commands in JAWS Webserver;
  6. TOTOLINK Routers: backdoor in TOTOLINK routers;
  7. ZHONE Router: Web RCE in ZHONE routers.

Fodcha operators use the results of Crazyfia scans to gain access to vulnerable devices and then deploy malware payloads on them. Experts write that the botnet can be capable of MIPS, MPSL, ARM, x86 and other architectures.

The botnet is known to have been using folded[.]in as the domain for the command-and-control server since January 2022, and switched to fridgexperts[.]cc in March when the cloud service provider disabled the first domain.

The new C&C server maps to over a dozen IP addresses and is distributed across multiple countries including the US, Korea, Japan, and India, and more cloud providers associated with it, termasuk Amazon, DediPath, DigitalOcean, Linode, and more.itu Qihoo 360 report noted.

Izinkan saya mengingatkan Anda bahwa kami juga menulis itu U.S. Authorities Disrupt Cyclops Blink Botnet, and that FritzFrog botnet is active again.

Helga Smith

Saya selalu tertarik pada ilmu komputer, terutama keamanan data dan tema, yang disebut saat ini "ilmu data", sejak remaja awal saya. Sebelum masuk ke tim Penghapusan Virus sebagai Pemimpin Redaksi, Saya bekerja sebagai pakar keamanan siber di beberapa perusahaan, termasuk salah satu kontraktor Amazon. Pengalaman lain: Yang saya dapatkan adalah mengajar di universitas Arden dan Reading.

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