SharkBot Trojan Again Infiltrates Google Play Store

Check Point analysts have discovered that SharkBot Android malware has once again made its way into the Google Play Store, masquerading as antivirus apps.

This time, the malware was distributed through three developer accounts (Zbynek Adamcik, Adelmio Pagnotto, и Bingo Like Inc), two of which were active in the fall of 2021.

SharkBot on Google Play

Нека ви го напомня Sharkbot was previously reported by NCC Group experts. They said that malware usually disguises itself as antiviruses, actually stealing money from users that installed the application. Sharkbot, like its counterparts TeaBot, FluBot, и Oscorp (UBEL), belongs to the category of banking Trojans capable of stealing credentials from hacked devices and bypassing multi-factor authentication mechanisms. The malware first appeared on the scene in the fall of 2021.

The NCC Group report emphasized that SharkBot’s hallmark is its ability to perform unauthorized transactions through Automatic Transfer System (ATS) systems, which, например, distinguishes it from TeaBot, which requires interaction with a live operator for performing malicious actions.

And also, например, Cleafy и ThreatFabric казва, that the Android Trojan SharkBot uses the Accessibility service to steal credentials from banking and cryptocurrency applications in Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Now, Check Point specialists have supplemented the analysis of NCC Group and their colleagues from Cleafy with new data. They write that the malware, again seen in the Google Play Store, does not infect users from China, India, Romania, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. По същото време, six malicious applications found by researchers were installed more than 15,000 times before being removed, and most of the victims were in Italy and the UK.

They also noticed that SharkBot has a very unusual self-distributing mechanism: it is able to automatically respond to notifications from Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, distributing malicious links to its fake antivirus applications among the victim’s contacts.

Separately, it is noted that the malware uses DGA (Domain generation algorithm) to communicate with its control servers, which is quite rare among malwares for Android.

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Хелга Смит

Винаги съм се интересувал от компютърни науки, особено сигурността на данните и темата, което се нарича в наши дни "наука за данни", от ранните ми тийнейджърски години. Преди да дойде в екипа за премахване на вируси като главен редактор, Работил съм като експерт по киберсигурност в няколко компании, включително един от изпълнителите на Amazon. Друг опит: Преподавам в университетите Арден и Рединг.

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