新嘅MasterFred惡意軟件針對Netflix, Instagram同Twitter用戶

A new malware for Android, MasterFred, uses phishing overlays that simulate logins to steal bank card information from Netflix, Instagram同Twitter用戶.

The first MasterFred sample was uploaded to 病毒總數 in June 2021, according to Bleeping Computer. 也, malware analyst Alberto Segura shared a second sample of malware a week ago, saying that it was used against users from Poland and Turkey.

Currently, experts from Avast Threat Labs have studied the new malware, discovering that the banker is abusing the Accessibility service APIs to display malicious overlays and tricking victims into entering their bank card details.

While abuse of the Accessibility service is a common behavior for Android malware, MasterFred has a number of distinctive features. 例如, malicious applications used to deliver malware to devices include HTML overlays used to display fake login forms and collect financial information about victims.

By utilizing the Application Accessibility toolkit installed on Android by default, the attacker is able to use the application to implement the Overlay attack to trick the user into entering credit card information for fake account breaches on both Netflix. Some important things of note to this malware are that the Assets folder within the application is where the html overlays for common applications are stored along with fake bank login overlays in multiple languages.according to Avast Threat Labs.

另外, the malware uses the Onion.ws gateway (also known as the Tor2Web proxy) to deliver stolen information to Tor servers controlled by hackers.

Since at least one of the malicious apps with MasterFred on board was available in the Google Play Store (it has now been removed), the researchers are confident that the banker is spreading through third-party app stores.

Indicators of compromise for MasterFred, including hashes and C&C server domains, have already been posted on Twitter by Avast Threat Labs.

Avast Threat Labs

Let me remind you that I also wrote that BloodyStealer malware hijacks Steam, Epic Games Store and EA Origin accounts.


我一直對電腦科學感興趣, 尤其是數據安全和主題, 而家被稱為 "數據科學", 由我十幾歲開始. 在進入病毒清除團隊擔任主編之前, 我曾喺多傢公司擔任網絡安全專家, 包括亞馬遜嘅承包商之一. 另一種體驗: 我在雅頓大學同雷丁大學任教.


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