Phần mềm độc hại Android GriftHorse bị nhiễm 10 triệu thiết bị

Zimperium experts have discovered Android malware GriftHorse, which has been active since November 2020 and subscribes its victims to paid SMS services. It has already infected more than 10 million devices in 70 countries around the world, and GriftHorse operators are believed to “earn” between $ 1.5 million and $ 4 million a month.

The versions of GriftHorse noticed by experts were distributed through the official Google Play application store and third-party application catalogs, as a rule, masking as other harmless applications.

If the user installs such an application, GriftHorse begins to bombard him with pop-ups and notifications, which offer various prizes and special offers. If the victim clicks on one of these notifications, it is are redirected to a page where they are asked to verify their phone number, ostensibly to access the offer.

Trong thực tế, here users subscribe to paid SMS services, the cost of which sometimes exceeds 30 euros per month. This money ends up going into the pockets of the GriftHorse operators.

Subscribe to paid SMS service

Zimperium researchers, who tracked the malware for several months, write that this isone of the largest campaigns witnessed by the zLabs team in 2021.

It is emphasized that the creators of GriftHorse have worked hard to improve the quality of their malicious code, and use a wide range of sites, malicious applications and developer personalities to avoid detection.

The level of sophistication, the use of new techniques and the determination shown by the attackers allowed them to go unnoticed for several months. In addition to using a large number of applications, their distribution was very well planned: applications were distributed in many different categories, expanding the circle of potential victims, experts write. – This campaign has been actively developed for several months starting in November 2020 and the last update is dated April 2021. This means that one of their first victims, if she has not yet turned off the fraudulent subscription, has already lost more than € 200 at the time of writing [this report].

Distribution of infected applications by category
Distribution of infected applications by category

A list of over 200 applications infected with GrifThorse can be found at the end of the researchersreport.

Let me remind you that I also talked about the fact that Doctor Web has discovered a new family of banking Trojans for Android named Android.BankBot.Coper (hereinafter Coper).

Helga Smith

Tôi luôn quan tâm đến khoa học máy tính, đặc biệt là bảo mật dữ liệu và chủ đề, được gọi là ngày nay "khoa học dữ liệu", kể từ khi tôi còn ở tuổi thiếu niên. Trước khi vào nhóm Diệt Virus với vai trò Tổng biên tập, Tôi đã làm việc với tư cách là chuyên gia an ninh mạng tại một số công ty, bao gồm một trong những nhà thầu của Amazon. Một trải nghiệm khác: Tôi đã nhận được đang giảng dạy tại các trường đại học Arden và Reading.

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