Ofertas dos EUA $15 Million for Information on Leaders and Developers of Conti Malware

As autoridades americanas estão oferecendo até $15 million for information that will help to identify both the leaders and members of the Conti extortion group.

assim, up to $10 million rewards can be received for information about the identities and any information on Conti leaders, and an additional $5 million for any information that leads to the arrest or conviction of members and partners of the group who are associated with Conti malware attacks.

Deixe-me lembrá-lo de que também informamos que Experts Analyzed a New Sample of Malware and Confirmed the REvil Return.

According to an official statement from the US State Department, Conti is considered one of the most “profitable” ransomware of recent times: it has now attacked more than 1,000 victims, who in total paid ransoms worth more than $ 150 million to hackers.

Let me remind you that Conti is one of the most active groups operating under the Ransomware-as-a-Service scheme (“ransomware-as-a-service”, RaaS). Experts associate it with the Russian-speaking group Aranha feiticeira (also known for other malware, Incluindo Ryuk, TrickBot e BazarLoader).

Costa Rica has become one of the latest victims of Conti: at the end of last week, the newly elected president of the country, Rodrigo Chavez, was forced to declare a state of emergency due to Conti’s attack on a number of government agencies.

Biping Computer reported that a 672 GB dump was published on the “local do vazamento” Conti, allegedly containing information stolen from government agencies in Costa Rica.

$15 milhões para Conti

The hack appears to have affected at least the Treasury Department, which has yet to fully assessed the scope of the incident and its impact on taxpayer data, payments, and customs systems. According to media reports, the hackers demanded a $10 million ransom from the Treasury, but the government refused to pay. Ao mesmo tempo, almost all digital services of the Ministry of Finance of Costa Rica have been unavailable since April 18.

The Conti website also lists the following departments allegedly affected by the attack:

  1. Ministry of Finance of Costa Rica (Ministryio de Hacienda);
  2. Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS);
  3. Social Development and Family Allowance Fund (FODESAF);
  4. Intercollegiate Headquarters of Alajuela (SIUA).

According to media reports, other departments and organizations of the country also suffered from the large-scale Conti attack, Incluindo:

  1. Administrative Council of the Electrical Service of the Province of Cartago (Jasec);
  2. Ministry of Science, Innovation, Technology and Communications;
  3. National Meteorological Institute (IMN);
  4. Radiographic Costarricense (RACSA);
  5. Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS).

Helga Smith

Sempre me interessei por ciências da computação, especialmente segurança de dados e o tema, que é chamado hoje em dia "ciência de dados", desde minha adolescência. Antes de entrar na equipe de remoção de vírus como editor-chefe, Trabalhei como especialista em segurança cibernética em várias empresas, incluindo um dos contratados da Amazon. Outra experiencia: Eu tenho é professor nas universidades Arden e Reading.

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