火星’ 火星

The new 火星 infostealer is still gaining popularity in the hacker community, and analysts are already marking the first large-scale campaigns using it.

火星 is a redesigned version of the Oski マルウェア, which was discontinued in 2020. The malware is highly capable of stealing information and attacks a very wide range of applications, including popular browsers, two-factor authentication plugins, as well as many extensions and wallets for working with cryptocurrencies.

Mars also collects and sends to its operators the following information about the victim’s system:

  1. IP address and country;
  2. path to EXE file;
  3. local time and time zone;
  4. system language;
  5. language keyboard layout;
  6. laptop or desktop;
  7. processor model;
  8. computer name;
  9. username;
  10. computer name in the domain;
  11. machine identifier;
  12. GUID;
  13. installed programs and their versions.

Mars Admin

Advertised on many hacking forums for between $140 そして $160 生涯ライセンス, Mars has grown rather slowly until recently, but it looks like the recent shutdown of Raccoon Stealer has forced hackers to look for alternatives and take a look at Mars. It got to the point that the authors of the malware wrote that they could barely cope with the influx of new customers.


よく, this malware is distributed through spam emails containing an executable file in an archive, a download link, or a malicious document. しかしながら, sometimes Mars is also distributed through fraudulent sites. One of these campaigns, which is definitely getting bigger after the influx of customers, was discovered by experts at モルフィセック. アナリストは、ランサムウェアが本物であることを確認しました, the malware uses グーグル Ads to bring clone sites of the open source OpenOffice to the top positions in search results in Canada.

The OpenOffice installer on such a fake site is a Mars executable packaged with the Babadeda cryptor or the Autoit bootloader.

興味深いことに, shortly after the release of Mars, a hacked version of the malware with instructions appeared, which has serious flaws. 特に, it prescribes to set up full access (777) to the entire project, including the directory with the logs of the victims.

The logs are a ZIP file containing data stolen by the malware from users and uploaded to the C&Cサーバー. The inaccuracy in the instructions has led to the fact that attackers misconfigure their environment, revealing important information to the whole world.

The researchers found that, as part of the campaign mentioned above, the stolen information included browser autofill data, browser extension data, bank card information, IP address, country code and time zone.


Since the malware operator who followed the instructions infected himself with a copy of Mars (apparently during debugging), his personal data was also disclosed. This miscalculation allowed Morphisec experts to link the attacks to the Russian-speaking user, finding his GitLab アカウント, stolen credentials used to pay for Google Ads, もっと.

The Morphisec Labs team reports that in total they were able to identify more than 50 infected domain users who compromised their companiesdomain passwords. The vast majority of victims are students, educators and content creators who were looking for legitimate apps but got malware instead.

Morphisec was also able to isolate credentials that led to the complete compromise of an unnamed infrastructure solutions provider from Canada and a number of well-known Canadian service companies. Experts have already contacted the victims and notified the authorities about the incident.

私たちがその事実についても話したことを思い出させてください 多くの人が、アプリケーションの機能が制限されており、Facebook経由でログインする必要があると警告しています 100,000 多くの人が、アプリケーションの機能が制限されており、Facebook経由でログインする必要があると警告しています, 保護なしでインターネットに接続し、ビットコインで身代金を収集するためにユーザーデータを暗号化します SharkBot Androidトロイの木馬が暗号通貨を盗み、銀行口座をハッキングする.


ずっとコンピューターサイエンスに興味がありました, 特にデータセキュリティとテーマ, 現在と呼ばれている "データサイエンス", 10代前半から. 編集長としてウイルス駆除チームに参加する前に, 私はいくつかの企業でサイバーセキュリティの専門家として働いていました, Amazonの請負業者の1つを含む. 別の経験: 私はアーデン大学とレディング大学で教えています.


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