
ThreatFabric experts 発見した a new Xenomorph banking Trojan on the Google Play Store (the official Android app store) that attacks users from Spain, Portugal, Italy and Belgium.

The researchers describe the malware as a classic banker that infects Android devices, requests the rights to use the Accessibility service, and then uses them to display fake login screens, overlaying them on top of real banking applications.

現在, ログイン画面で、ユーザーが開始する前にアカウントにログインする必要があります can display such overlays for 56 banks in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Belgium, としても 12 cryptocurrency wallets and 7 メールアプリ.


加えて, the malware collects other data about the device and transfers everything received to the cybercriminalscontrol servers. The collected data is later used to access bank accounts and steal funds. If accounts are protected by two-factor authentication, Xenomorph is able to intercept SMS notifications and extract the necessary codes from them.

しかしながら, the most annoying thing in this situation is that Xenomorph is distributed through malicious applications in the Google Play Store and is delivered as a payload during the second stage of infection.

The surfacing of Xenomorph shows, once again, that threat actors are focusing their attention on landing applications on official markets. This is also a signal that the underground market for droppers and distribution actors has increased its activity.ThreatFabric specialists explain.


ここのところ, experts have found only one application distributing XenomorphFast Cleaner, which was installed on more than 50,000 devices before being removed from the Google Play Store. The application contained the Gymdrop dropper, which successfully passed all Google checks, and after downloading to the victim’s device, it downloaded and installed more powerful malware – ログイン画面で、ユーザーが開始する前にアカウントにログインする必要があります.

Although analysts write that Xenomorph is still at the development stage, but it already poses a serious threat, from which and new attacks can definitely be expected in the future. 又, there is an example of even more sly thingfake VulkanRT library Volexityサイバーセキュリティ研究者, that in fact contain rootkit.

It is worth noting that the name Xenomorph arose for a reason: experts noticed many signs in the code that linked the malware to the old エイリアン banking trojan. そう, they decided to use a similar name, also inspired by the Alien movie series.

あなたもそれを知ることに興味があるかもしれません Guardicoreラボ 米国と英国の政府は、 そしてそれ Androidマルウェア AndroidマルウェアRoamingMantisは、マルウェアとフィッシング攻撃を使用して、ドイツとフランスのAndroidおよびiPhoneユーザーを標的としています attacks European users.


ずっとコンピューターサイエンスに興味がありました, 特にデータセキュリティとテーマ, 現在と呼ばれている "データサイエンス", 10代前半から. 編集長としてウイルス駆除チームに参加する前に, 私はいくつかの企業でサイバーセキュリティの専門家として働いていました, Amazonの請負業者の1つを含む. 別の経験: 私はアーデン大学とレディング大学で教えています.


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