Η Qrator Labs ανακάλυψε νέο botnet εξόρυξης δεδομένων
Qrator Labs has summed up the results of the fourth quarter of 2021 and discovered a new data mining botnet with 160,097 συσκευές. This is almost three times more than in the third quarter, and more than in any other quarter of 2021.
Με ενδιαφέρο, this botnet was not used at all for organizing Επιθέσεις DDoS, but for data mining by one of the retail companies.
The company also notes a record number of unique BGP incidents related to traffic interception: during November, 17,798 autonomous systems generated BGP hijacks, which accounted for 16.3% of the total number of autonomous systems in the world.
Another BGP “record” was set by the number of BGP route leaks per month. Έτσι, Δεκέμβριος 2021 showed a record number of route leaks – περισσότερο από 10,000,000. This is almost twice as many as in the first two months of the fourth quarter.
The total route leaks in the fourth quarter are more than twice as high as in the third quarter – 19,852,504 in the fourth quarter versus 7,589,347 in the third.
According to Qrator Labs statistics, education and e-commerce were the most attacked industries in the fourth quarter, with a significant lead. The growth in the number of attacks on these segments was 12.29% και 10.21%, respectively. Payment systems are in third place with 9.75%. Banks, which accounted for a fantastic 22.28% of all DDoS attacks last quarter, were only targeted 5% of the time in the fourth quarter.
Επίσης, almost every quarter, the company detects a shift in the distribution of attack vectors. Έτσι, in the fourth quarter of 2021, the top three most popular DDoS attack vectors included:
- UDP flood from 33.75%;
- SYN flood from 22.71%;
- And IP flood from 20.21%.
Επιτρέψτε μου να σας υπενθυμίσω ότι το γράψαμε και αυτό Ροζ botnet was infected over 1.5 εκατομμύρια συσκευές, and also that the Οι κινεζικές αρχές συνέλαβαν τους συντάκτες του δημιουργεί κρυφές προγραμματισμένες εργασίες και νέα κλειδιά για αυτές.