Новата версия на Magniber Ransomware заплашва Windows 11 Потребители

360 Security Centre analysts have discovered a new version of Magniber ransomware targeting systems running Windows 11. On May 25, the volume of attacks using Magniber increased significantly, according to experts.

Ransomware is distributed through several online platforms, pirated software sites, fake pornographic sites, и т.н. When a user visits a fake site, the attackers try to force the victim to download a malicious file from their network drives.

According to the researchers, the ransomware has not changed much, but now it can infect multiple versions of Windows.

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Magniber uses the RSA and AES encryption algorithms to encrypt victim files. The RSA algorithm is 2048 bits long, which makes Magniber hard to crack. After encryption, the file suffix becomes random, and a separate payment page opens for each victim.

Redemption cost is 0.09 bitcoin for the first five days. If the ransom is not paid within the specified time limit, the payment page will become invalid and the ransom value will double.съобщават изследователите.

According to security researchers, there is no secure decryptor for this ransomware. In addition, experts do not yet know about the weak points of the malware that can reverse the infection.

Magniber targets ordinary users, not companies, so experts recommend that users remain vigilant, do not download pirated software, and use only official sites.

Recall that this is the second case in two months when Magniber attacks Windows users. In April, attackers used fake Windows 10 updates to spread malware.

After being installed on the attacked system, Magniber removes volume shadow copies and encrypts files. During the encryption process, the ransomware adds an extension to them in the form of a random set of eight letters, например, .gtearevf. Следващия, a README.html file is created with a ransom note. Each folder contains instructions on how to access a site on the Tor network where a ransom can be paid. The My Decryptor website allows victims to decrypt one file for free, contacttech support”, as well as find out the ransom amount and the bitcoin address to which it needs to be transferred. Most often, the ransom amount is about $2.5 thousand.then information security specialists wrote.

Хелга Смит

Винаги съм се интересувал от компютърни науки, особено сигурността на данните и темата, което се нарича в наши дни "наука за данни", от ранните ми тийнейджърски години. Преди да дойде в екипа за премахване на вируси като главен редактор, Работил съм като експерт по киберсигурност в няколко компании, включително един от изпълнителите на Amazon. Друг опит: Преподавам в университетите Арден и Рединг.

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